
Wednesday, 22 April 2020

Saskia's Favourite Bear

As part of our home learning this week Saskia sent me this photo and drawing of her favourite teddy bear.  Isn't it gorgeous. It looks so soft and snuggly and I just love its big eyes!

I wonder what its name is.  What do you think its name could be?


  1. I just love your teddy bear. I bet you play lots of exciting games together. Maybe you could read your teddy a book today! I am very interested to know your teddy's name, is it Sparkles because of its sparkly eyes?

  2. That is a cute bear Saskia and your picture is awesome did you do it or did Oakley help you its amazing.

  3. Hi Saskia, this is Whaea Tanya from Nga Ringa. I love your drawing, it is a true likeness of your Teddy. I love Teddy Bears too and thought that both Pukeko Class and Nga Ringa Class could have a Teddy Bear's Picnic when we get back to school. What do you think ? (Please say hello to Oakley for me).

  4. That's an amazing drawing Saskia. Your bear is very cute, I don't think I have seen one like it before.
